Approved ISO 27001 Security Objective

Information Security Management System Policy and Objective Statement

This policy statement defines the framework within which the management system (information security management system) will be managed across Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP and demonstrates management commitment and support for information security management system throughout Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP. This policy is the primary policy from which all information security-related policies emanate.


This policy is applicable to all Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP personnel, contractors, vendors, and other parties, and covers all information entrusted to or owned by Alpha-Beta Consulting and stored, processed, or transmitted on the organization’s information systems and operated by the organization.

Information Security Definitions

In these policies, “information security” is defined as Preserving the Availability, Confidentiality, and Integrity of the organization’s Information assets (this includes physical and electronic information, cardholder data, etc.) throughout the organization to preserve its competitive edge, assets, profitability, legal, regulatory as well as contractual, compliance and commercial image.


This means that Management, Staff, Contractors, Project Consultants, and any External Parties have, and will be made aware of their responsibilities (which are defined in their job descriptions or contracts) to preserve information security, report security breaches and act in accordance with the requirements of the Information Security policies. All staff will receive information security awareness/training.

Confidentiality–ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.
Integrity–safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of the information and its associated processing methods. This refers to protection against unauthorized modification.
Availability– ensuring that authorized users have access to information and associated information processing systems when required.

Information assets

The information assets include information printed or written on paper, transmitted by post, or spoken in conversation, as well as information stored electronically on servers, web site(s), extranet(s), intranet(s), PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and PDAs’ as well as any other digital or magnetic media, and information transmitted electronically by any means. In this context “data” also includes the sets of instructions that tell the system(s) how to manipulate information (i.e., the software: operating systems, applications, utilities, etc.). The physical assets include but not limited to computer hardware, data cabling, telephone systems, filing systems and physical data files.

Policy Implementation Responsibilities

Within the field of Information Security Management System, there are a number of key roles that need to be undertaken to ensure successful protection of the business from risk. Full details of the responsibilities associated with each of the roles and how they are allocated within Alpha- Beta Consulting are given in a separate document Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities. The ISMS Manager shall have responsibility for the implementation and management of the Management System, under the supervision of the Chief Technology Officer, reporting on its performance to top management and ensuring that it conforms to the requirement of the ISO 27001 standard.

Information Security Objectives

Alpha-Beta Consulting has set the following major information security objectives:
Objective 1 - Achieve 100% protection of Confidentiality and integrity of Alpha-Beta Consulting Information assets.
Objective 2 - Achieve 100% Information Security Awareness culture across the organization.
Objective 3 - Provide assurance of information systems resilience – 99.99% availability.
Objective 4 – Ensure 95% percent compliance with Alpha-Beta Consulting requirements, contractual, regulatory, and legal requirements.

Information Security Management System Policy

Alpha-Beta Consulting is committed to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of her information assets and shall implement measures through the establishment. Alpha-Beta Consulting is committed to continual improvement of her information security program to protect the organization’s information assets against all threats. Alpha-Beta Consulting is also committed to complying with all applicable legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements related to information security in its services and operations. In accordance with ISO27001, Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP will analyze and understand its information security risks helping the company decide what it needs in place to meet our information security objective. Alpha-Beta Consulting will understand applicable requirements and in accordance with our risk assessment, we will, as appropriate, implement what is necessary to meet those requirements. All users and custodians of information assets owned by or entrusted to Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP shall comply with this policy and exercise a duty of care in relation to the storage, processing, and transmission of the organization’s information and information systems.

Exception and Exemptions

Any exceptions or exemptions to this policy will be documented in the Alpha-Beta Consulting LLP’s Scope and its Statement of Applicability.


Failure to comply with this policy and supporting policies and procedures may be considered a disciplinary offence. Therefore, compliance with this policy and all the organization’s security-related policies and procedures, are mandatory conditions for every user of the organization’s network resources. No one is permitted to bypass the security mechanisms provided by the organization’s systems or infrastructure for any reason. Breach of the policy or security mechanism may warrant disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment/contract.